Beyond more profound – Practical version of the “Twelve In-Nen” and “Ten Nyō-ze”

The descriptions of “Twelve In-Nen”
that I have written so far will be
included in the “Full Text” below.

The Article from now on will be an
Applied and Practical Version of the
“Twelve In-Nen” and “Ten Nyō-ze”
explained so far.
In other words, it is a practical version
of the Solutions
 for incidents currently
occurring in the international community,

The Article will be linked to the
“Full Text” time to time.
If there are any parts that you do not
make sense, please open the Full Text
and check.

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9 Replies to “Beyond more profound – Practical version of the “Twelve In-Nen” and “Ten Nyō-ze””

  1. I appreciate you taking the time to bring this up, as I not only feel passionately about the issue, but I also enjoy learning more on the subject. Would it be possible for you, as you get more experience, to update your blog with any more information that you discover? It has been of great assistance to me. air

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