● (July 16th)
New Text has been added.
Please watch the following
Titles in the latter half of
“Read More”.
● About “The Rule of Law”
● On the “Wisdom of Mercy”
Basically, the First Three “Nyo-ze’ of
“Outer phase, Characteristic, and
Main Body” are the Basis of the Actions
you will take from now.
The Three Nyo-ze of “Outer phase,
Characteristic, and Main Body” come
together into one and form the Basis.
On that ‘Three Nyo-ze’ as the Basis,
you will exert “Power.”
What is ‘Power’?
It means that you make Vow or
Great Aspiration strongly in your mind.
For instance,
“I pray for the increase of Good Fortune
of All Citizens”
“I pray for the Peace of Society”
“And to achieve it”
It is a Vow like that kind.
It is also an Aspiration.
Once you make a Vow, the shape
of your Action is determined.
This is ‘Nyo-ze Effect’.
The “Effect” of ‘Nyo-ze Effect’ means
that the “Shape of Action” that will
concretely realize your Vow, determines.
Regarding about this point,
unless you make a Vow or Aspiration
in your heart, the Action will not
“The mind is Needle while
Action is Thread.”
By the leading Needle, the Action
and Direction of the Thread that
follow it, determines.
In this way, ‘Nyo-ze Effect’ is
the Action that was created by
your mind of a Vow (Nyo-ze Power).
Next, when you carry out and
complete that Action,
the “Completion of the Action”
brings the following
“Three types of Conversion.”
This is called the
“Three types of Conversion.”
In other words, it means that
‘Nyo-ze Effect‘ brings ‘Three types
of Conversion’.
– The first is that the completion of
your action forms a Cause.
In other words, it is “Conversion into
Nyo-ze Cause.” (Table Above)
– The second is that the completion
of your action causes an Auxiliary
Auxiliary Cause gives momentum
to Cause. In other words, it is a
“Conversion to Nyo-ze Auxiliary
– The third is that the completion of
your action cause a Result and
a Reward.
In other words, it is a “Conversion to
Nyo-ze Result and Nyo-ze Reward.”
The additional sentence from here.
(July 7th)
Now, I would like to consider the First
point in detail,
“The Conversion from ‘Nyo-ze Effect’
to ‘Nyo-ze Cause'”.
What does this mean specifically?
Now, I’d like to consider this, that is,
the Conversion from ‘Nyo-ze Effect’
(The completion of your actions) to
‘Nyo-ze Cause’, through the Table
The table below is the Table that
places the name of “Twelve In-Nen”
to the name of “Ten Nyo-ze”.
Although “Ten Nyo-ze” and “Twelve
In-Nen” have different Purposes and
Roles, they are basically the Laws with
the same content, so the names can be
overlapped and arranged like this.
So, if you look at the ‘Nyo-ze Effect’
and ‘Nyo-ze Cause’ sections, you can
see that the ‘Action and Existence‘ of
“Twelve In-Nen” are placed there.
(The area that is surrounded by a square.)
Action and Existence both mean
“Action,” so this shows that the Action
of ‘Nyo-ze Effect’ has been converted
into the Action of ‘Nyo-ze Cause.’
What does this mean?
The Action of ‘Nyo-ze Effect’ is
as mentioned earlier, the Action that
were created by Vows or Aspiration
that you made at the place of ‘Nyo-ze
Power’. However, this stage Action is
not yet ‘Clear and Definite Action’.
But the Action of ‘Nyo-ze Cause’ is the
action that will definitely produce the
Result. It is the Actions with specific
steps, and if you carried out, it will
definitely lead to Result.
That’s what the word “Cause” originally
meant, and it has the power to always
produce Result.
There is a saying that ‘Cause always goes
toward Result’.
Therefore from this, the conversion from
‘Nyo-ze Effect’ to ‘Nyo-ze Cause’ means
a conversion from ‘ The Actions that you
were not yet clearly certain of’ to
‘The Action with Full of Certainty when
producing Result’.
So what kind of action is the ‘Action that
can definitely produce Result’?
That is an Action that tries to inform
people of the existence of
the Law of Origin (Myō-Hō).
The Essential Characteristic of the
Law of Origin is “Mercy.”
Therefore, if you use various methods
and convey to people, the information of
the Law of Origin, People will hear it and
will exert their Wisdom in the place of
their work and life, increase their Good
Fortune, and open up happiness.
This meant that you have told people
“The powerful information and
philosophy of Mercy.”
Also, the Law of Origin will praise your
Actions and be pleased. This is because
the Essential Characteristic of the Law
of Origin is “Mercy“.
In other words, it means the following:
The Essential Characteristic of
the Law of Origin is Mercy,
but since it is a “Law” to the last,
it cannot convey “Mercy” or
“important information about
Mercy” to people. Because the
Law does not have a mouth, hands,
feet, or head.
One who does it is ultimately your
wisdom and action power.
Therefore, if you work, on behalf of
the Law of Origin, to convey
‘Information about Mercy’ to people,
the Law of Origin will be pleased and
give you a some gift as a token of
This is the same as the relationship
between a company’s President and
its Employees.
The President is thinking that
he wants to sell his Company’s
Products on the front lines
(the Market).
However, the President is unable
to do that work, because he has
“various works as the president”
that is related to Human Resources,
Accounting, and Organization.
At that time, suppose one of the
excellent employees acted on behalf
of the President with a careful
understanding of the President’s
Wishes and Intentions and sold
a lot of the Company’s Products in
the market.
Then, the President will say,
“He did a Good Job of doing the
work that I wanted to do, on my behalf,”
and will be very pleased. And he will
give that Employee a lot of Rewards.
The Law of Origin is the same.
If, on behalf of the Law of Origin,
your Wisdom and Actions do the
Work that the Law of Origin wants
to do, the Law of Origin will be very
pleased and give you Rewards.
So, what kind of “Rewards” will
the Law of Origin give you?
Since the Law of Origin is a law
that is piercing in the origin of
the phenomenal world,
it is naturally also managing the
movement of phenomena around
your Life and Workplace.
The Law of Origin will move the
phenomena around you, and
control their movement so that
you can obtain Good Fortune,
Rewards, and Victory.
As a result, you will be able to
receive Rewards you never
expected. That is the Gift and
Rewards from the Law of Origin.
(1) However, although the Rewards
from the Law of Origin are large,
they do not last forever. This is an
important point. Even if one of your
Actions brings you several Rewards,
there is a “Limit” that it will end there.
You must be careful of this point.
There is no need to conclude that
just because there are no Rewards,
“there is no meaning in doing this
work.” This is because, in any world
or any industry, one action will not
continue to bring Rewards forever.
But there is no need to be discouraged.
When the Rewards stop, you can just
take Action again. Then you will be
able to obtain Rewards again in the
amount of what you did. This point is
common to all worlds and industries.
/ I repeat, in any world, one action
(work) will not continue to bring
Rewards forever. Rewards from the
Law of Origin are bigger compared
to the others, but the Law of Origin
is also no exception in this respect.
On the Essential Difference
between “Law and Human
Above I talked the analogy of
“a president and an employee.”
However, the Relationship between
the Law of Origin and you is not
hierarchical, like the relationship
between a president and
an employee. It is an Equal
Relationship in which both parties
need the existence of the other.
Since the Law of Origin is
a “Law” to the last, its characteristic
is “the Nature that establishes by
being worked from the outside by
wisdom and action.”
This is called “所成(Sho-Sei).”
Sho-Sei is a passive nature, and
it is the nature that establishes
its existence for the first time
when it is worked by something
from the outside.
In contrast, your wisdom is called
“能成(Nou-Sei),” and it is
“the nature that establishes by
working to something by itself.”
In other words, your wisdom can
only be established by working on
In this way, the relationship between
you and the Law of Origin cannot
establish without either one.
Therefore, it is Equal.
(1)Sho-Sei is Passive Nature,
Nou-Sei is Active Nature
About the “Rule of Law”
Becoming an aside though,
this is the same as the Idea and
Philosophy that underlies
the Legal Concept of “Rule of Law.”
In a Democratic Society,
all important Authority and
Power related to Human Life
is given to “Law.” And is
forming a “Society ruled by Law.”
That is the “Rule of Law.”
So why does a Democratic Society
give all Authority and Power to
the Law?
The reason is that the law originally
has the nature that cannot establish
unless it is worked from the outside
by human wisdom and action.
In other words, it is the nature of
“Sho-Sei” that I mentioned above.
Conversely speaking, because
the law has such a nature,
it cannot have Ambitions or
Dictatorial Thoughts such as
“Using its enormous power and
dominate human society.”
This is because the law has the
nature of Sho-Sei, so it cannot
establish itself by its own intention
alone and also cannot act.
Law can only establish itself
when it is worked on by Human
Wisdom from the outside.
Therefore, people in a Democratic
Society can stay feeling secure
even if they give Enormous Power
and Authority to the Law.
If, hypothetically, Dangerous Ambitions
like those mentioned above were
to arise within Society, it would be
the time when “a person’s wisdom
which has worked on the Law” tried
to use the enormous power of
the Law and tried to achieve some
Ambitious goal that benefits himself.
Therefore, in order to eliminate such
things, society is also giving the Law
‘the Authority to punish people
who do injustice’. (Judicial Power)
On the other hand, in a Society of
the “Rule of Law,” if the enormous
Power and Authority given to the
Law is used to realize and increase
Goodness, it is a Great Welcome for
both the Country and Citizens.
That is because, if that Power and
Authority are used for the increase
of Citizens’ Happiness and Good
Fortune, that is according to the
Original Intention for which the
Law was created.
Going back to the story of
the Law of Origin, the Law of Origin
is also a “Law” to the last, so it is
given immense Power and Treasures.
Rather than saying “being given,”
the Law of Origin is originally
endowed with them.
These treasures are on a Cosmic
Scale and are Inexhaustible.
In comparison to that, the treasures
and power that humans possess on
their own are a little amount.
However, human wisdom has the
power to bring out the immense
treasures that the law possesses,
from the Law of Origin.
To concisely state this relationship,
it is as follows:
The Law of Origin is a Treasure Trove
filled with full of treasures.
On the other hand, human wisdom is
the hands that bring out treasures
from that treasure trove.
The mere fact that there are treasures
in a treasure trove, does not cause any
Conversely, if you have only hands but
no Treasure Trove, you cannot bring out
the treasures.
The two cooperate with each other,
and an existence value of each other
So how can you bring out the Treasures
from the treasure trove of the Law of
As I mentioned earlier, the Essential
Characteristic of the Law of Origin is
“Mercy.” Therefore, to bring out the
treasures, you need to work Wisdom
and Mercy.
(On the Wisdom of Mercy)
What does the first “To work Wisdom”
It is to understand well the information
of the Law of Origin and the
‘Principles and Contents of that law’.
Then you achieve that Understanding.
Next, you exercise your Wisdom.
You work your Wisdom and convey it
to others, explain it, or make it on
sentence. Through these actions,
your Wisdom becomes the
“Wisdom of Mercy.”
The First half, “Achieving of Understanding”
is the “Achievement of Wisdom Action”
in one’s own actions.
The Second half, “Conveying it to Others,”
is the “Achievement of Wisdom Action”
in the action of working on Others.
The Wisdom when you take out the
treasures of the Law of Origin,
it must be the Wisdom that works in
the direction of Mercy.
That is, “Wisdom of Mercy.”
It does not mean that any wisdom
can take out the treasures.
The reason is that the Essential
Characteristic of the Law of Origin,
which is the Treasure Trove, is
When I spoke earlier about the
“Rule of Law,” I said the following:
“If politicians and those in power, etc.
use the enormous Power and Authority
that were given to the Law for the
Happiness of Citizens, this will be
according to the Original Intention
for which the Law was created.” (Outline)
In the same way, when you practice
the “Wisdom of Mercy” well, it becomes
according to the Original Intention of
the Law of Origin, which is “Mercy.”
(On the Acts of Mercy)
What does the second “To work Mercy”
Mercy means that you truly wish
for the Happiness of people.
Specifically, it means that you wish
well in your mind for the Increase
of Good Fortune of Citizens and
If you practice the above Two of
‘Mercy and Wisdom’, it will come true
that you can retrieve the treasures
from the Treasure Trove of the Law
of Origin, and it will realize.
To be continued tomorrow
The first three parts of “Ten Nyo-ze” are the outer phase, the characteristic, and the main body. They set the stage for the acts you will take. They come together to make a single base.
Outer phase, Characteristic, and Main Body: These are the first three components of “Ten Nyo-ze” and serve as the foundation for actions you will undertake. They merge together to create a unified basis.