The Earth

Hello Dear Everyone.
How are you? Thank you so much
for all of your Great Comments.
From the Both Comments I have posted
and those I could not post, I have deeply
received your heartfelt words.
I can’t reply to all comments but truly
thank you so much.
They are very encouraging me.

In this Article, I will be explaining the first ‘
Three Nyo-ze‘ of “Ten Nyo-ze.”
That is to say, about

‘Nyo-ze Outer phase’
‘Nyo-ze Characteristic’
‘Nyo-ze Main Body’

In the previous article, I particularly
explained ‘Nyo-ze Cause’, but here
I will explain the first ‘Three Nyo-ze’
which becomes its Basis.
This Basis is extremely important,
and without it, no “Action of Ten
Nyo-ze” can begin, and no “Effect
of the Action” can occur.

I will eventually link this Article
with the previous one to make it
into a single Article.
I would also like to leave it as
an e-book.

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