I will add two sentences to my previous Article

Hello everyone, how do you do?
Today I’m going to add two
additional sentences to my last
Evil king and Good King” Article.

One is about “The Corridor” of
Ukrainian grain exports in the
Black Sea. I will show you the
whereabouts of the first ship,
, which set sail from
In my previous Article, I said that
the Razoni was “The Ship of Hope” 
to avoid the global “Food Crisis.”

“Achieving a Corridor Agreement”
is one of the results that is, one of
your victories
 gained by performing
Mercy and Wisdom action under
the Law of Origin.
And what were the consequences
after that?
Did it become better?
Or did it become worse?
It’s important to know that
till to the end.
Because, as you know, the war of
aggression in Ukraine is a major
on which the survival of
World Democracy depends.

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