International Politics ②

August 14
On August 13, South Korea and North Korea
held ministerial talks at Panmunjom and
agreed to hold an “inter-Korean summit talks”
in Pyongyang in mid September. It is the third
time that the two leaders will meet.

     August 6, 2018

July 29, 2018
North Korea carried out the return of the remains of US soldiers.

                   Posted June 22, 2018 

                  Posted June 12, 2018

・ June 12  US-North Korea summit meeting

    Posted June 7, 2018

                  Posted April 27, 2018

・April 20th  North-South Summit Meeting
・April 21
     Kim Jong-un Chairman announced that
     it will abolish nuclear testing facilities and
     stop launching ballistic missiles since

・May 18
 Texas gun shooting incident in the US 10 deaths
・May 12 – 13
 Indonesian suicide bombing.

・May 12
 Terror affair in Paris, France,
 1 person died
・April 21
 Afghanistan suicide bombing.○○人死亡

February 14, 2018
A gun shooting incident by a madman in Florida.
17 high school students died.

(以下 2017年)
December 22, 2017
The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted the “additional sanction resolution”, which was a strict one to reduce the export of refined petroleum products to North Korea by 90%. Thereafter, nuclear tests by North Korea and missile launches have not been implemented.

November 29,
North Korea launched a larger ballistic missile “Mars 15”,
the missile reached an altitude of about 4,500 kilometers and flew 960 kilometers over 53 minutes.
This was concluded that if it was launched in ordinary or bit, it would have a range of 13,000 km, and it could cover the entire US including the East Coast of the United States.

2017.12.10 イラクのアバディ首相、

2017.10.25 フィレピン・ミンダナオの

October 2017
The Iraqi army suppressed eastern Mosul.
The head of IS escaped Mosul.

October 17
Announced that the armed militia organization “Syrian Democratic Army” (SDF), a Kurdish-dominated body that had been supported by the U.S. military, etc., completely controlled Syrian northern part of Rakka, which the extremist group IS had regarded as the “capital” . In the near future, the declaration of liberation will be announced from IS control over 3 years.



ニューヨークテロ 8人死亡。
アメリカ ラスベガス
テロ乱射。 単独犯、

? フランステロ

September 11 
the United Nations adopted a
“Unanimous Sanction
Resolution” against it.

September 3
North Korea conducted the “Sixth Nuclear
Test”.  the largest ever in the past.

August 29
the North launched a ballistic missile “Mars 12”, a missile passed over Japan’s Hokkaido, landed on the Pacific Ocean with an altitude of 550 kilometers and a level flight of 2,700 kilometers. 

August 17
A white supremacist and an equals insisting against opposition of racial discrimination collided and developed into a riot incident.

August 18
A terrorist incident occurred in Barcelona in Spain.
13 people died.

January 1, 2017
Terror shooting incident occurred in Turkey, 39 people died.





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