Treating the Desire that causes war
(Bon-nō) with Buddha-nature
Next, I would like to talk about “How to end war”
on a societal scale.
Also, I would like to think about “How to prevent
war from happening again?”.
In considering these two issues,
first, I will discuss the meaning and importance of
“Treating ‘Bon-nō’/’No Bright’ with Buddha-nature.”
The main point here is “with Buddha-nature.”
Why when we treat ‘Bon-nō’/’No Bright’,
is it necessary to treat ‘with’ or ‘by’ Buddha-nature?
The reason is:
Because the Bon-nō that cause war (the Desire
biased toward Evil ) and ‘No Bright‘ (Vacillating
desires) are not something that first arose in the
minds of people in their Present Lives.
They are the Desires and Minds that have been
arising since the immeasurable Distant Past.
Human life has been a process of Birth and
Death since the immeasurable and distant past
and reached the Present Life. And toward the
Future too, we will continue to repeat Birth and
Death countless times. (Table Below)
This is as I talked in the process of “Twelve In-
In that case, human desires have repeatedly
emitted countless “Evil minds” and “Evil desires”
in countless past lives.
Of course, they have emitted “Good minds”
and “Good desires” too. And, these are
accumulating and forming extremely strong
“Evil habits” and “Good habits” deep within
the mind and desires.
In other words, these Good and Evil habits are
accumulating and existing deep within the
human psyche. And these give a major influence
when the present people emit desires and take
Among these habits, the “Good habits” formed
the “Stable societies and nations” that exist
However, the problem is the “Evil habits.”
These exist deep in the hearts and desires
of people today, and they cause wars, conflicts,
and many unfortunate incidents in modern
And in reality, those wars and conflicts are
difficult to end. Peace agreements are also
difficult to achieve.
Why is this?
Why is it so difficult to end the war?
And why is it that no matter how many
times the US president puts forward Peace
Proposals (1), no agreement can be reached
I think that there are political reasons for
this in each country, as well as historical
circumstances in each country.
(1)For instance, the Peace Proposal
made by President Biden on
May 31, 2024. → Link
However, the Real Reason that Wars do not
end is, as I said above, the Desires that are
emitted by humans, deeply have “Evil habits”
that were formed in the long time past, and
they make ‘Resolving of wars’ and ‘Reaching
of Peace Agreements’ difficult to achieve.
When Current War Leaders emit their Desires,
those “Evil habits” rise up from the depths of
their psyches, and stand in the way of Peace
Agreements and Ending Wars.
Therefore, in order to end the current war,
we need to treat the “Evil habits from past
lives” itself contained in human desires.
However, “Evil habits” are the habits that
have been inherent in human desires since
the distant past, so dealing them is
an almost impossible task.
This is because people cannot go back to
past lives before they were born and
eliminate the “Evil acts” and “Evil habits”
they have done there.
Implementing treatment using
As a result, — return to the original point
though — we use ‘Buddha-nature‘ and
carry out that treatment. And, by using the
power of Buddha-nature, we cure all of the
“Evil habits” involved in Human Desires
(Bon-nō/No Bright).
The method for this is, as I mentioned earlier,
“A Treatment Method that converses Bon-nō
into Bodai (=Buddha-nature/mind of goodness).”
In other words, specifically, we treat it in the
form of
“Making Bodai (Buddha-nature/Mind of
Goodness) appear according to Bon-nō.”
Buddha-nature is “an Expert in Bon-nō
But why can this treatment method using
Buddha-nature treat “The Evil habits
contained in Human Desires” from distant
past lives?
This is because Buddha-nature, like human
desires, has existed from countless past
Buddha-nature has existed in human
desires, the mind, and all phenomena,
events, and matter since the countless
distant past, and continues to exist
throughout the Past, Present, and Future.
Therefore, Buddha-nature knows
everything about human desires.
Buddha-nature has a wealth of experience
with human desires.
It knows everything about the “Evil habits”
of human desires.
Buddha-nature is the “Treatment Expert”
that treats them.
From this, when treating Bon-nō/No Bright,
we use Buddha-nature and treat them in
complete form.
Generally, when an ordinary “Good Mind”
treats “Evil thoughts and desires,”
it often becomes only a superficial,
temporary treatment.
For example, it is the case that ending a war
or conflict through “Diplomatic Talks” or
“Political Methods or Compromise.”
However, even such superficial treatment
can end the war at the time. But, it does not
become the treatment that
“Prevents Wars from happening forever.”
Even if the Desires of Evil — for instance,
the desire or ambition to “wage war” or
“invade another country and make it our
own” — disappear once, they will arise again
if time passes and circumstances change.
They will arise again and again.
Therefore, in the case of Bon-nō, the form
that “Convert them into good minds and
desires” is better rather than “Eliminate them.”
If it is this form, no matter how many times
Evil desires arise, you can treat and converse
them into Good Desires.
It is the same as just the Darkness of Night
becomes revealed by the Sunlight of the Day.
No matter how many times the Darkness of
Night comes, the Sunlight of the Day will
always brightly illuminate them and reveal.
Likewise, if you use an experienced Buddha-
nature to treat Bon-nō (Desires biased toward
Evil), it will become such a treatment method.
Treatment Method using Buddha-nature
completely cures the “Evil habits from
past lives” contained in people’s Desires.
In that case, Buddha-nature skillfully cures it
with its experienced methods. For instance,
“The most vicious in the Evil habits are
completely eliminated, some are utilized,
and some are converted into Goodness.”
Therefore, we leave the specific procedures
of treatment to Buddha-nature.
In any case, that treatment method will be
a “Permanent and Fundamental Cure Method.”
And it will prevent wars from happening