President Trump’s Ceasefire Goal

(For the rest, see the Full Text.)
We the citizens under our New President,
must rise up again, for the peace of our Nation
and the World.
The times are changing one after the other.
The New Trump Administration will take office
in January 2025.
So what must we do first in this “New World”?

I think as follows:
I think in the future, the following will be
important questions for American citizens:

“Will President Trump truly be a president
who loves the American citizens or not?”
“Will he become a president who implements
good governance or not?”
“Will he become a president who leads
the international community towards
peace and prosperity or not?”

Moreover, these problems are not just
a problem for President Trump himself.
They are also our issues, the citizens.
Because I believe that 
“Citizens create a Great President.”
And it is none other than the American
citizens who sent President Trump into
the political world as our representative.

Therefore, citizens of the world, including
Americans, have a responsibility to
 the President so that he will become
a “Great and Good President” in the future.
Citizens all over the world need to support
strongly “the work that President Trump will
undertake in leading the United States and
the World to Peace and Prosperity.”
There is no time to wait.
If we wait, there is a risk that the wars
in the world will expand further.
And by that, many more casualties will occur
That is why I said at the beginning of
this article as follows:

“President Trump will be able to hold
an intimate summits with world leaders,
including leaders of socialist countries.
Moreover, he has a track record of
meeting with those leaders in the past.
The world finally had a Good Opportunity
to end current wars and conflicts.

“The American people and the people
of the world all need to help
the President’s that job to be successful –
the job of ending wars and building peace.”

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