Explanation of “Shou-in Buddha-nature”

Explanation of ‘Shou-in Buddha-nature’

Next, I will explain ‘Shou-in Buddha-nature’.
‘Shou-in Buddha-nature’ is Buddha’s
‘Nyo-ze Main Body’. (Table Below)
In the previous article, I explained
Ryou-in Buddha-nature’.
(In addition, due to the US Presidential
Election, the explanation of
En-in Buddha-nature’ will be given
at a later date.)

What is ‘Shou-in Buddha-nature’?

So what is ‘Shou-in Buddha-nature’?
The Chinese character, ‘Shou’ of
‘Shou-in Buddha-nature’ means
True Identity‘.  ‘in’ means cause.

To give an example: There is a person
called Mr. A here, who always wears
10 different masks to disguise himself.

So no one knows who Mr. A’s true
identity is. It’s the same as no one knowing
that Superman’s true identity is Clark Kent.
At that time, someone who knows Mr. A
well tells everyone,
“Ten people look like different people,
but their true identity is Mr. A.”
Then everyone knows that Mr. A is
the true identity of ten people.

In this way, “True Identity” refers to
Mr. A’s true main body.
True Identity = Main Body.
Similarly, “Shou” of “Shou-In Buddha-nature”
represents the True Identity of Buddha-
nature, and that is the Main Body of Buddha-
The Buddha-nature that that Main Body
of Buddha-nature becomes the cause (In)
and arises, is the Shou-In Buddha-nature.

But what on earth exactly is the
“Main Body of Buddha-nature”?

The Main Body of Buddha-nature is the body
of the person. However, the “Human Body”
as the Main Body of Buddha-nature comes
to include the following two meanings:

① The Main Body must be one’s own Body.
      This is as I said above.

② The Main Body must be the “Same Body.”

The problem here is the “Same Body” of ②.
In other words, there is an Iron Rule that
“The Main Body must be the Same Body.”
What does that mean?

The term “Same Body” here has the
following meaning.
For example, to a subsidiary of a company,
its parent company is its Main Body, and
the Same Body.
To the subsidiary, other companies are
neither the Main Body nor the Same Body.
Similarly, to a calf, its parent cow is
its Main Body, and the Same Body.
The parent horse or other animals are
neither the Main Body, nor the Same Body.

In that case, the “Same Body” and
“Non-Same Body” can be distinguished by
the following characteristics.
Between companies or animals that are
in a same body relationship, there are
special interactions, such as the exchange
of Capital or Energy. However, these do not
exist in Non-Same Body relationships.
For instance, between the parent company
and subsidiary company, there is an exchange
and supply of Capital and Personnel, etc.
If the subsidiary runs into a shortage of
funds, it is able to raise capital from the
parent company. This is because they are
the same body.
Conversely, subsidiaries always contribute
to the parent company by increasing sales.

In the same way, a calf can receive nutrients
and the substances it needs for growth from
its mother cow. Because the calf and the
mother cow are the same body.
This kind of interaction does not occur
between animals that are not the same body.

The Buddha regards all people,
phenomena, and substances that
possess Buddha-nature as
the Same Body

So, returning to the idea of the
“Main Body of the Buddha.”
To conclude, Buddha regards the bodies of
all people who have the same Buddha-nature
as his own body possesses, as the Same Body.
He also regards all phenomena and matters
that possess the same Buddha-nature as
his own as the Same Body.
Therefore, Buddha can receive Energy as
 from the Space Phenomena and
People who are the same body as his own
body. Then he can use that Energy.

That is the same as a parent company and
a subsidiary that are in the same body
relationship being done raise or exchange of
Funds and Capitals as needed.
Also, it is the same as a mother cow supplies
a calf which is the same body, with the
substances and energy it needs to grow, and
the calf can use them.
Therefore, these “functions that those in
the same body relationship possess each
other”, are the “Distinctive Feature that
the Main Body always has.”
The Main Body of Buddha-nature” has
the meaning of the above.
Also, the above is the meaning that
Buddha’s “Nyo-ze Main Body”,
Shou-in Buddha-nature” has.
However, if Buddha regards all phenomena
and people that possess the Buddha-nature
as the same body, then it means that
there is an exchange of enormous
phenomenal energy on a cosmic scale,
taking place between “Buddha and those
phenomena or people.”
And that is actually a fact.

What is the Phenomena Energy
of the Cosmic Scale
that Buddha

Let’s move on Next.
So, when Buddha uses “Huge Cosmic
Phenomena and their Energy” which
he regards as the same body,
what does he use them for?
In other words, for what purpose
does he use them?
First, what phenomena exactly is
the energy of the Cosmic Phenomena
that Buddha uses?

That refers to various huge cosmic
phenomena and their energy, such as:

・Supernova Explosions that occur billions
 or tens of billions of light-years away in
 the Universe,

・The release of enormous amounts of
 that occurs near the Galaxy’s Core,

・The energy of a Black Hole that has
 a mass several million times that of the sun.

For Buddha, these phenomena are
the “Same Body that possesses the
same Buddha-nature as his own.”
Therefore, Buddha can receive Enormous
Energy from them. Also, he can exchange
energy with them.
So, for what purpose does Buddha use
this enormous energy?
He uses it at the following times:

Buddha uses them to win the important
 to realize the Happiness of Citizens
and People.
Buddha also uses those powers at times
such as to end wars and conflicts.

Therefore, — and the next point is important
though —
No matter how much Power, the Evil Enemies
whom Buddha fights, use to attack,
the Buddha is never afraid.
Also, never be defeated.
He will always be victorious.
In that case, the Power that the Evil Enemies
use, refer to the Political Power, Financial
Strength, Organizational Strength,
False Information, Powerful Army and
Weapons, etc.  

So why does Buddha win?
It is because Buddha can use all of the
Vast power of Cosmic Phenomena” which
he regards as the Same Body as his own.
No matter how great the weapons,
organizational power, or financial strength
of the enemy leader or army, they are all
insignificant when viewed from the Gigantic
Scale of Cosmic Phenomena.
Even the power of nuclear weapons and
nuclear warheads is insignificant compared
to the Energy Level of Cosmic Phenomena.


I understand what you are saying.
However, even if saying that “Buddha uses
the Enormous Power or Energy of Cosmic
Phenomena,” the scale of that energy is
thousands of trillions of times greater than
the power that human society on Earth
possesses, and is immeasurably huge.
If he were to use them on Earth,
it would cause a huge explosion, blowing
both the Earth and society away.
How exactly does Buddha use such
Enormous Energy of Cosmic Phenomena?


In fact, the meaning of “Buddha uses
the enormous energy of Cosmic
Phenomena” is to use the
Power of the Law” that is establishing
Huge Cosmic Phenomena.
That law is also the law that establishes
the Human Body as the Human Body.
It is the “Law that generates and
establishes all cosmic phenomena.”
In that case, there is no “large or small of
the scale” in the size of law.
The human body and cosmic phenomena
are physically very different in size, but
the Law that creates both is the same.
Therefore, there is no difference in the
size of the Law.
For instance, you cannot say that a law is
large because it creates huge cosmic
phenomena or that it is small because
it forms the physically small human body.
Because the law does not have
“large or small of the scale.”

Therefore, from this fact, Buddha can use
the enormous law of a cosmic scale, 
on a human scale,
and he can use it in our
Social Life.
But the following can be said for sure:
That is a fact that this law possesses
extremely enormous power
 in terms of
its content.
This is because the power of this law
makes it possible the formation of
all enormous cosmic phenomena.
At the same time, it is the law that
even creates exquisite Human Bodies.
The Law has the power to form the
Phenomena, Matter, Galaxies, and
Life throughout the Entire Universe.

To give an analogy about this:
The power of that law can be likened
to the “Black Hole whose size is small
but the mass is enormous.”
For instance, the Black Hole that exists
at the core of our Galaxy(1) is said to be
about 100 times the size of the Sun, and
4 million times the Sun’s mass.
It’s about 100 times the size of the Sun,
and 4 million times its mass!!

(1)The core of our Galaxy:
Official name: Sagittarius A Star

Thus, because Black Hole has such
an enormous mass, it exerts
a Powerful Gravitational Force, absorbing
all matter and energy in its vicinity.
Since it absorbs even the energy of Light,
it can never be seen from the outside.
Since the Black Hole is invisible with
telescopes, Astronomers today identify
its existence by observing the effect that
it has on its surroundings or the movements
of surrounding stars and gases that are
absorbed by it.

The power of the Law is so enormous
that even the power of a Black Hole
cannot compare

However, the power of that Law is in fact,
so enormous that even a Black Hole,
which possesses such immense power,
cannot compare.
A Black Hole only exerts its power in
a part of a Galaxy, but the power of
that Law exerts its power outside of
the Galaxy as well.
The power of that Law has the power
to form and create the hundreds of
billions of Galaxies and countless
Galaxy Clusters that exist in the universe.
Furthermore, that Law has the power to
form the Phenomena, Matter, Galaxies,
and Life in the entire universe.

That law is the Law of Origin.
It is the “Law that generates and establishes
all cosmic phenomena”
that I mentioned
This law is called “The Law of Origin”
because it reaches the origin of
all phenomena and is being penetrated
in that origin.
Let’s go back to your Question.
The Key point  of your question was,
“How would Buddha use such
cosmic-scale energy in human society
without side effects?”
Because if he used it directly, both the
Earth and human society would be
blown away.

Therefore, when Buddha uses that Law,
which has such enormous energy,
in human society, he uses it
so in a barely noticeable way.
However, although the Law is small and
human-sized, it has the power to create
enormous cosmic phenomena in terms
of content as mentioned above.
And when Buddha uses it for any purpose
— for instance, the “Battle between Good
and Evil,” the “Battle between Truth and
Falsehood,” and the “Battle to end war”, etc.
— he manifests the enormous power of
that Law and is sure to be victorious.

In other words, Buddha uses that mighty
power of the Law on one point of the
Victory of Goodness.”
Therefore, for one who uses that Law,
that is, Buddha,
Victory becomes absolutely certain.

Therefore, Buddha never fears, even if
Evil forces attack him with no matter
how Great Military Power, Weapons,
Political Power, Information Power, or
Organizational Strength.
Because Buddha possesses the Law
 that has such immense power.

Your support for the President
will make him
a “Great Citizen’s

Same is true for you.
For instance, you will never be afraid
even if someone tries to commit injustice 
in society with no matter how powerful
Weapons, Political Power, Information
Power, Organizational Strength, or
Financial Resources.
And it is never the case that “you who do
not have those things, can do nothing.”
Along with that law, there are many
things you can do.
Supporting the New US President with
that Powerful Law is one of them.

The most important part of a President’s job
– “The Victory of Goodness” and
The Achievement of Peace” – are
essentially achieved and accomplished by
Your Support. If accumulating “Victories of
Goodness,” the President will become
a “Great President” who thinks about the
Happiness of Citizens.
Therefore, in the near future, when the
President goes to a Summit Meeting with
the leaders currently waging war, please say
to him the following:
(you may say it in your mind)

“I strongly support the President’s Work of ‘
Realizing Peace’. So, Mr. President, please be
assured to go to the countries at war and
hold Summit Meetings with them.”

Then the President’s wish will come true, and
he will be deeply grateful to you who
supported him with the power of the Law.
And the President will surely be pleased
and say, “I have found an Irreplaceable

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