Citizens Create “The Great President” – Full Text

Congratulations on the Birth
of President Trump

Dear all of you.
Congratulations on the birth of President
In my opinion, I am thinking that the world
has finally reached a Good Opportunity to
end the current wars and conflicts, since
the President can hold Intimate Summit
Meetings with World Leaders, including
leaders of socialist countries.

However, in that case, we, the citizens,
need to strongly support the President
along with the “Power of law,” that is
The Law of Origin” that I talked about
in the previous article.
President Trump will inaugurate his new
administration in  new year late January
And shortly thereafter, he will hold
a Summit Meeting with the leaders of the
world who are waging war.
At that time, I believe that citizens around
the world need to support the president
well. Because the support of all citizens will
make “The President’s work to build peace”

Citizens Create the
“The Great President”

However, I am concerned that there are
many citizens among you,  American citizens,
who have not yet made “Switching of Mindset.”
Let me talk a little about that.

After all, nearly half of the American public
has been supporting candidate Harris up
until now.
In fact, I, too, have been supporting candidate
I am Japanese and do not have the right to
vote in the United States, but I have been
supporting Ms. Harris for a long time.
Therefore, I can well understand the
“current sadness feeling” felt by the
majority of American citizens.

The result was, contrary to expectations,
President Trump was elected in
a landslide victory.
President Biden, Ms. Harris, and the many
American citizens who supported
Ms. Harris felt the same, I believe.
And in my case, accepted this fact and
led me to make the following
“Switching of Consciousness.”

First of all, immediately after President
Trump was elected, I thought,
“There is no Ms. Harris or President Biden
anymore.” — Actually, they are still there,
but they have almost no impact on
American politics going forward.
Therefore, it is safe to say that
“They are no longer here.”
We entered the “New World” of President
And it happened so suddenly!

Moreover, it is not just American citizens
who have entered this “New World.”
The American Media, Businesses, Civic
American Allies like Japan and South
Korea, the EU and NATO in Europe, and
all organizations in the international
community – everyone in other words –
have entered this world.
The Entire World has entered into the
“New World.”
We must first acknowledge this reality.

For American citizens who have been
supporting Ms. Harris up so far, the feeling
at that time would be as follows.
It is the feeling that you get when one of
the relatives you’ve been spending with for
a long time intimately, suddenly passes away
and you immediately “entered a new world
without that person,” it’s very similar to such
a feeling, I think.
However, we the citizens under our New
President, must rise up again, for the peace of
our Nation and the World.
The times are changing one after the other.
From next year, the New Trump Administration
will take office.
So what must we do first in this “New World”?

I think as follows:
In the future, the following will be
important questions for American citizens:

“Will President Trump truly be a president
who loves the American citizens or not?”
“Will he become a president who
implements good governance or not?”
“Will he become a president who leads
the international community towards
peace and prosperity or not?”

Moreover, these problems are not just
a problem for President Trump himself.
They are also our issues, the citizens.
Because I believe that 
“Citizens create a Great President.”
And it is none other than the American
citizens who sent President Trump into
the political world as our representative.

Therefore, citizens of the world, including
Americans, have a responsibility to
 the President so that he will become
a “Great and Good President” in the future.
Citizens all over the world need to support
strongly “the work that President Trump will
undertake in leading the United States and
the World to Peace and Prosperity.”
There is no time to wait.
If we wait, there is a risk that the wars
in the world will expand further.
And by that, many more casualties will occur

If European countries or American society
were to be drawn into war and military
service – Conscription system, etc. – were to
be instituted, the suffering of the citizens
would increase even more, and the situation
would become extremely serious.
We must be well aware of just how brutal
and cruel a war is.
This is because the burden falls directly on
the citizens.

Think back to the Vietnam War from the
1960s to the 1970s.
During the Vietnam War, as many as
500,000 American young men were
sent into the jungle, where lead and steel
bullets were flying.
Many were killed and wounded in battle.
It also caused many Relatives and Loved
ones to grieve back home in the United
We must never wage war again and must
avoid it at all costs.
That is why I said at the beginning of
this article as follows:

“President Trump will be able to hold
an intimate summits with world leaders,
including leaders of socialist countries.
Moreover, he has a track record of
meeting with those leaders in the past.
The world finally had a Good Opportunity
to end current wars and conflicts.

“The American people and the people
of the world all need to help
the President’s that job to be successful –
the job of ending wars and building peace.”

Towards a New Era

As Citizens live in this “New World,” 
I would like to discuss some
Basic Principles that we must keep
in mind.

The first one is that “The Philosophical
 and the Political Dimension

are different.”
We the Citizens must first clearly
recognize this difference,
as supporting the President in this
New World.
What does this mean?

To be continued at a later date

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