Why does Karma (Strong Act) form the Environmental World?

Annotation: What is Karma?

Why does Karma (Strong Act) form
the Environmental World?

In Japan and China, Karma has
the meaning of “Occupation“.
For example, suppose a woman
likes to sing and she always sings
a song.
Then, people often ask,
“Do you sing that as Karma?”
This means, “Do you sing that as
a profession?

In other words, the person is asking
her, “Are you planning to sing
as a professional occupation?”

If the woman sings professionally,
that Action becomes a “Strong Act” 
and she can gather Fans, hold
Concerts, and create a New World
in society.
On the other hand, if she sings as her
normal hobby, it is a Weak Act, and
does not have the power to create
a New World (Existence) in society.
Therefore, since Karma is a Strong Act,
it has the power to create
a New Environmental World (Existence).
By the above, 10. Existence here has the
following two meanings:
Strong Act” and “The Environmental
World that is Created by the Strong Act.”

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