Specific Explanation of ‘Ten Nyo-ze’ 1

Basically, the First Three “Nyo-ze’ of
Outer phaseCharacteristic, and
Main Body” are the Basis of the Actions
you will take from now.
The Three Nyo-ze of “Outer phase,
Characteristic, and Main Body” come
together into one and form the Basis.

On that ‘Three Nyo-ze’ as the Basis,
you will exert “Power.”
What is ‘Power’?
It means that you make Vow or
Great Aspiration strongly in your mind.
For instance,
“I pray for the increase of Good Fortune
of All Citizens”
“I pray for the Peace of Society”
“And to achieve it”
It is a Vow like that kind.
It is also an Aspiration.

Once you make a Vow, the shape
of your Action is determined.
This is ‘Nyo-ze Effect’.
The “Effect” of ‘Nyo-ze Effect’ means
that the “Shape of Action” that will
concretely realize your Vow, determines.

Regarding about this point,
unless you make a Vow or Aspiration
in your heart, the Action will not
“The mind is Needle while
Action is Thread.”
By the leading Needle, the Action
and Direction of the Thread that
follow it, determines.
In this way, ‘Nyo-ze Effect’ is
the Action that was created by
your mind of a Vow (Nyo-ze Power).

Next, when you carry out and
complete that Action,
the “Completion of the Action”
brings the following
Three types of Conversion.”
This is called the
“Three types of Conversion.”
In other words, it means that
Nyo-ze Effect‘ brings ‘Three types
of Conversion’.

– The first is that the completion of
   your action forms a Cause.
   In other words, it is “Conversion into
   Nyo-ze Cause.” (Table below)

– The second is that the completion 
    of your action causes an Auxiliary
    Auxiliary Cause gives momentum
    to Cause. In other words, it is a
   “Conversion to Nyo-ze Auxiliary

– The third is that the completion of
   your action cause a Result and
   a Reward.
   In other words, it is a “Conversion to
   Nyo-ze Result and Nyo-ze Reward.”

What is the last name “The First ‘Outer phase’
and t
he Last ‘Reward’ are essentially equal”?

The Last Name, “The First ‘Outer phase’
and the Last ‘Reward’ are essentially equal”
“First” of “The First ‘Outer phase’ and Last
‘Reward’ are essentially equal” refers to
the first ‘Nyo-ze Outer phase‘.
“Last” refers to the last ‘Nyo-ze Reward‘.
“Equal” means that the two are “essentially
equal and become the same.”

(A Diagram Table will be provided
about the above syntax later)

To be Continued to the Later Date

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