Let’s open the Great “Era of Citizen Kings”!! Like the brave Joan of Arc

How are you, dear everyone?
Thank you for your wonderful comments
every day. I am deeply grateful.
Also, I wish you all your Happiness and
Health from the bottom of my heart.
Now, the 2024 Presidential Election is
It is my sincere hope that in this Election,
you will elect the “Right President” and
that the United States of America will
become even more peaceful, democratic,
and prosperous.

Today, I would like to post an article
related to the presidential election,
which is just four days away.
I have titled the article as follows:

Let’s open the Great
“Era of Citizen Kings”!!

Like the brave Joan of Arc

First, l will talk about the
Intentions and Thinking of a Dictator.”
For instance, let’s suppose there is
an Ambitious person with Dictatorial ideas
within your country, and he is trying to
defeat good democratic citizens and
create his own Dictator Administration.
In that case, what are “his thoughts and
What do you think they are?

I think as follows:
First, this ambitious person will aim to
take the “Civil Power“, which citizens
risked their lives to win from the King and
Dictator during the Civil Revolutions (1)
hundreds of years ago.
This “Civil Power” refers to the
Power of the separation of powers” that
exists in all Current Democracies, including
the United States.
He is trying to make it his own.

(1)What is Civil Revolution:
A civil Revolution is when citizens start
a revolution against the king or rulers
and gain political power.
Past civil revolutions include:
French Revolution (1789, France),
Puritan Revolution (1642, England),
Glorious Revolution (1688, England),
American Revolution (1776, America)

Second, if he wins (through an Election or
otherwise), what will he do first?
This is an important point.
If he were to win power (through an Election
or otherwise), what will he do first?
He will first destroythe Judicial Power of
the three branches of Power.
Why destroy the Judicial Power?
This is because the Judicial Power is
“The power to punish bad deeds.” And
because if he destroys judicial power,
he can then forcibly take Legislative and
Executive Power.

He is thinking in his mind
“It’s OK to take violently the remaining
Legislative and Executive power.”
Because, even if he were to take them
violently and forcibly, there is no one to
punish him already.
There is no Judicial Power anymore.
And finally, he aims to seize all power and
become a Dictator.

If this were to happen, your right to vote
will be then gone.
This is because “The Right of citizens to vote 
to choose the highest authority” is none
other than the “Power of the Citizens” that
so many citizens won hundreds of years ago
from the autocratic Kings and Dictators of
the time, through the blood of so many
citizens and the expense of so many

Buddhas and Good people see
well the intentions of
Evil people

Buddha(2) and Good people understand 
very well, the targets of such Evil people
and Ambitious people.
Also, Buddha and Good people see through
well the “Intentions and thoughts of
Evil people.”

Therefore, Buddha uses “The power of law 
that generates and establishes all phenomena,”
which I talk about in another article published
at the same time as this one, and crushes
the intentions of evil people and ambitious
Also, Good people use that power to
defeat Evil people too.

So at what stage does Buddha do that?
It is at a stage long before the
Evil person commits Evil deeds.
In other words, at the very first
Election stage, the Buddha defeats the
Evil person and defeats his “Evil intentions
and goals.”

The reason is that if we do not win
at the election stage, it may be too late.
Once ambitious people and dictators
have gained great power, it is too late
to stop their Evil deeds.
Once they have gained great power,
it becomes much more difficult for
good people to stop the evil deeds and
intentions of dictators.
Even more, this is difficult after the
destruction of Judicial Power.

(2)The thing I would like you to
note here is:
In this case, Buddha refers to You.
Buddha is someone who practices
the Law of Origin. You are the
‘Sole Owner’ of the Law of Origin.
Your mind and body possess Buddha-
nature. Therefore, since you are
originally a Buddha, please read
this text as if it were about yourself.

So why are you a Buddha?
It is because, essentially, all the
important things are not realized
unless you yourself practice.
If others practice, those will not be
realized. This is practically and
experientially fact. Therefore,
you are originally a Buddha.
You may study “how a Buddha thinks”

or “how a Buddha acts” later. However,
the fact that you are essentially
a Buddha is decided from the

That’s all for today’s article.
In another article, “Explanation of
‘Shou-in Buddha-nature,'”
I will talk about this in more detail.
Finally, I sincerely hope that you will
choose the “Right President” by all means,
in the 2024 Presidential Election and
open a Great Era of Citizen Kings.
At that time, I will be able to tell you
many more wonderful things.
I pledge to do my utmost to contribute
to the further Development of the
New Era that you will create.
Once again, I sincerely hope that the
Wonderful United States of America that
you will open in a few days will further
develop and prosper democratically.

I wish you all Happiness and Prosperity.
November 1, 2024

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