If you read this paper for the first
time, please read the site’s Basic
Paper the ”power of the law to
expand the power of citizens‘
goodness” first. It requires an
understanding of the “Law of the
Origin” and the “Act① and Act②’s
act of mercy and wisdom.”
Concerns over the future spread of
the coronavirus have led to significant
volatility in the stock market every day.
On March 13, President Trump declared
a “National Emergency” that would allow
up to $ 50 billion in public spending, and
launched major aid for states, territories,
and regions.
After that, stock prices rebounded and
calmed down. New York crude oil futures
also rebounded.
On the other hand, looking at Asia,
the measures taken by the government
in China and Japan are starting to being
effective. I talk about the actual situation.
In a previous article, I said, “If the virus
infection spreads, 1. self-restraint,
2. suspension, 3. closure and isolation
measures will be implemented.”
In China and Japan, as a result of the
implementation of 1 and 2, the effects
have appeared to some extent.
In Japan, in the middle of February last
month, Prime Minister Abe canceled
all the event and requested a temporary
closure of elementary, junior and senior
high schools in a nationwide scale.
This is 1. self-restraint request.
With the coronavirus incubation period
of about two weeks, these measures
become effective two weeks later.
About two weeks later, at the beginning
of March, a member of the expert
commented on how the effect was
achieved as the following:
――At this stage, very small and sporadic
infections are occurring in Japan. In addition,
a dozen or so infections, called clusters,
sometimes occur in dozens of densely
populated places, such as meeting places
and live houses. However, Explosive outbreak
has not been reached.
In this way, the outcome of Japan’s
countermeasures against coronavirus
infection two weeks later was
“Does not reached an explosive scale
and has remained a small-scale infection.”
Specifically, the total number of people
infected in Japan is 773 as of March 15.
Among them, 80% are “mild” and about
300 have already recovered and been
The fatality rate is less than 0.06%,
which is one in 10,000.
Next, in China, where the damage caused
by the coronavirus virus was the greatest,
thorough countermeasures had been
There, all the measures described above
were taken: 1 self-restraint, 2 suspension,
3 closure and isolation.
As a result, A significant recovery trend
can be seen.
A feature of China’s countermeasures is
that, unlike Japan, large and small business
activities in each region had been
suspended in fact.
On March 11, China’s Hubei Provincial
government approved the resumption of
some businesses.
Wuhan also announced that it will allow
“Companies with a significant impact on
industry worldwide” to resume operations.
(However, resumption of operations is
contingent on the implementation of
infection control measures.)
In addition, the number of infected people
in China was increasing by a few thousand
scale in January of this year, but has now
dropped to single digits.
The Chinese government announced on
March 13 that the number of people
infected with coronavirus had increased
by eight from the previous day and
become 80.813. The death toll was 6
in Wuhan and 1 in Shandong, and increased
to 3176.
This is the first single-digit infection in
mainland China since January 21.
As Chinese companies resume operations,
large US and Japanese companies in China
are resuming operations.
First, Apple on March 13 resumed operations
in all over China and Hong Kong, Taiwan and
HONDA has resumed production at all
its bases in China.
Nissan plans to reopen its Hubei plant
within the week.
Toyota Motor’s Chinese plant has already
resumed operations at all plants.
Japanese companies in other industries
are also planning to resume operations
However, the reopening will prioritize
quarantine prevention, infrastructure,
and businesses that are indispensable
for living, and cinemas, offices,
restaurants, etc., where many people
gather, will still be suspended.
In this way, the current situation
regarding coronaviruses is now heading
for recovery in China and Japan.
In the future, if the United States and
European countries take similar
measures quickly, infection control could
be achieved. You don’t have to become
Measures using
the law of the origin
In a previous article, I said, “When all the
measures that a country launches are
not to be effective, it will remains as
an unresolved issue. At that time, you
perform Act① and Act②’s action of
Mercy and wisdom yourself, exert the
power of the law of the origin and finish
the unresolved issue completely.”
However, if you become upset and
confused by seeing the up and down
volatile market and the surrounding
situation, and suspect that
“Even if I perform Act① and Act②,
there is no effect,” it doesn’t make
It is important that you be aware of
the current situation and perform
Act① and Act② with the conviction
that the “Complete Eradication of
the Virus is certain.” These two acts
have the power to move all phenomena
in the phenomenon world through
the law of the origin.
Therefore, by exerting the power
of the law of the origin, it is necessary
that you strongly support that the
policy of the United States government
work effectively in the future and end
the infection of coronavirus
while it is small.
Because you are the owner of the
law of the origin and at the same
time you are at the center of the
citizens and the world.
Then your contribution and
achievement for coronavirus infection
will be enormous in the future.