Forwards of this Article
How are you, dear everyone?
Thank you for your wonderful comments
every day. I am deeply grateful.
Also, I wish you all your Happiness and
Health from the bottom of my heart.

Now, the 2024 Presidential Election is
I am not an American, so I cannot choose
which one of the candidates, but I sincerely
hope that you will choose the
“Right President,” and the United States of
America will become even more peaceful,
democratically prosperous, and become
a Great Buddha Nation.
In this article, I would like to summarize what
I have said so far in previous articles and show
you the Names of the Entire Information,
that is, the Titles.
The Names, that is, the Titles are what
summarize the vast amounts of overall
information and organize them, so that
everyone can understand the whole of
the information with a glance at the Titles.
Furthermore, when you read these names,
Your Act of Mercy and Wisdom will be
And Buddha-nature will appear in your
heart and in your Beloved Country.
That Buddha-nature will, of course, lead
your life to happiness and prosperity,
and also, lead your country to peace and
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Now, let’s get into the Article of this time.
“Revealing the Names of the
Comprehensive Information.”

You have explained so far, the following
“Three Obstacles” as the fundamental
causes of Human Suffering.
① No Bright/Bon-nō
② Karma
③ Suffering body
You also spoke about
“San-In Buddha-nature” as the
Treatment Method that uses
In that case, how can we use
Buddha-nature in various treatments?
Also, what can we do specifically to
manifest Buddha-nature?
It is Perform the Mercy Act and
Wisdom Act.
Then Buddha-nature will appear and
you will be able to use the power of
Buddha-nature for everything.
For instance, No Bright/Bon-nō, Karma,
and Suffering body are things that
have continued from countless past lives,
so you can treat them using Buddha-
nature, which also continues from
countless past lives.
The reason you can use Buddha-nature
for these treatments is basically because
you perform the action of Mercy and
If you perform these two actions,
you will be able to use Buddha-nature
for the method to solve various other
What is the Act of Mercy?
The Mercy Act here is:
Sending Mercy to the people around
you. If there is someone you know,
Mr. A, nearby, you say in your mind,
“I wish Mr. A an increase of Good Fortune”
and send them Mercy.
If it is a customer you meet at work,
you say in your mind,
“I wish this person an increase of Good
Fortune,” and send them Mercy.
That is a Mercy Act.
In that case, you will change how to call
the person appropriately, such as
‘Mr. A’, ‘This person’, or ‘Those people’.
For instance, if you want to send Good
Fortune to all the people walking around
town, open your arms toward them and
say in your mind, “To these people.”
Or, you could simply say toward them
in your mind,
“May your Good Fortune increase.”
As in the various cases I have mentioned
so far, when you emit Mercy and send
Good Fortune in the above manner,
Buddha-nature will appear in the heart
of the person to whom you have sent
them, and their Attitude and Words
toward you will change.
He or she will speak words of Respect
toward you.
This will become proof that Buddha-
nature has appeared.
Also, by performing this form of Act
of Mercy, “No Bright/Bon-nō” will be
In particular among them, the five kinds
of “Bon-nō Diseases,” Greed, Anger,
Grumble, Arrogance, and Doubt will be
What is the Act of Wisdom?
To be continued at a later date
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