Revealing the Names of the Comprehensive Information

Forwards of this Article

How are you, dear everyone?
Thank you for your wonderful comments
every day. I am deeply grateful.
Also, I wish you all your Happiness and
Health from the bottom of my heart.

Now, the 2024 Presidential Election is
I am not an American, so I cannot choose
which one of the candidates, but I sincerely
hope that you will choose the
“Right President,” and the United States of
America will become even more peaceful,
democratically prosperous, and become
a Great Buddha Nation.
In this article, I would like to summarize what
I have said so far in previous articles and show
you the Names of the Entire Information,
that is, the Titles.
The Names, that is, the Titles are what
summarize the vast amounts of overall
information and organize them, so that
everyone can understand the whole of
the information with a glance at the Titles.
Furthermore, when you read these names,
Your Act of Mercy and Wisdom will be
And Buddha-nature will appear in your
heart and in your Beloved Country.
That Buddha-nature will, of course, lead
your life to happiness and prosperity,
and also, lead your country to peace and

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